So how did we get to San Pedro la Laguna?

Inspired by Bishop Peter Orlando who as a missionary was driven out of war-torn Guatemala with a price on his head and backed by The Eucharistic Community of Francis of Assisi which he leads, David Roth and I set out in search of a worthwhile opportunity around Lake Atitlan to help indiginous Maya. The story involves a broken down bus and the two of us meeting a young Guatemalan couple named Emma and Renzo at the side of the road. For hours we listened and learned about the needy in Emma's home village and the work her mother was doing to help Tzutujil Maya widows. We were introduced to Emma's parents, Vicenta Puzul Gonzalez and Mariano Gonzalez Chavajay, indigenous artists in San Pedro la Laguna, whose paintings we fell in love with. Most importantly, we met two widows, Lucia and Florinda, whose homes we visited to deliver eggs.

Long story short: the wonderful people we met won our hearts and we had to make a long-term commitment to help. 

We wish you could meet these extraordinary, humble and gracious people and, perhaps, if you're fortunate, someday you will. We understand not everyone can actually come to Guatemala to do this work. We also know that most of our friends and many others have the means to get behind it and support it -- and that's what we're asking. Please join us! 

~ Asha Allen, for Team Mission San Pedro